
Showing posts from October, 2017
Today in human geo class we talked about life expectancy. The life expectancy is the average number of years to be lived by a group of people born in the same year. In Monaco the population is very high. Woman have a longer life expectancy then men because men take more risks, they work more dangerous jobs and military. The crude birth rate: number of births per 1000 of the population. The crude death rate: number of deaths per 1000 of the population. Rate of natural increase (RNI) is produced by subtracting the death rate from the birth rate. This gives us the annul natural growth rate. Net migration rate is the difference between the number of persons entering and leaving a country durning the year. An excess of a persons entering the country is net immigration. An excess of persons leaving the country is a net emigration. 
Today in human geo we took a test. I think I did pretty well especially on the essay part. I picked the essay about why companies manufacture in different countries. Hopefully I did as well as I think I did. I studied really hard for this test. Knowing what to study before helped a lot. Going over the questions and answers made me feel a lot better about this test. I hope i did good. 
Today in human geo we went around the room and Mr.Schick asked us all what questions about what questions we think should be on the test so we know exactly what to study tonight and we know what will be on the test. Last night for our blog we had to list 3 questions we thought should be on the test. My question was "Whats more accurate the peters map or mercator map?" and the answer is peters because of the size of the map. Today was super helpful because now I know what exactly to study tonight so I get a good grade on the test.


Today in human geo we went over test questions. We have to say 2 questions that we think should be on the test. 1. What country has the greatest amount of square miles? Russia 2. What is the difference between place and region? Region is an area on a map and place is a point on a map. 3. What is more accurate the peters map or mercator? A peters because its more accurate in size.
Today in human geo at first was very sad a first because Mr.Schick explain to us why he was out the day before and it was because of his dog. It was very sad. After that the class got very interesting we talked about why products in America our made in other countries like China. That happens because people in China or other Countries only need to get paid like 1 or 2 dollars an hour instead of in America having to pay you minimum wage to work. So if other countries are making the products it doesn't making the products raise when they are sold in America. We also talked about Jimmy's dad window candle company. 
I was not in human geo today because I went home early because I was not feeling good.
Today in class we took more notes. We based what we talked about today over one statement. The statement was Thinking globally, acting locally. That means like your actions locally in your community can help globally. For example in your community everyone grows there own foods. At the global scale encompassing the entire world geographers tend to see broad patterns. We talked about how in Harford County its usual and/or a big thing to own farm land and grow your own crops or food. We also about that Harford county voted for Donald Trump. Lastly, Mr. Schick shared his opinion that voting ages should be lowered to 16 because the president is our future. Some students answered disagreeing or agreeing.
Today in class we went to because Mr. Schick liked the website. We picked a country and found an interesting fact about the country. We went around the classroom and each of us said our interesting fact. Mine was about Italy and I said that Italys national holiday is June 2nd its called Republic day. There was two facts said about the United states the first was that is the world's largest consumer of cocaine. The other fact about the United States is that they are number 18 out of 200 states for obesity. I also learned that Fiji's language is English. Today's class was pretty interesting. 
Today is human geo I was not in class but I saw Mr. Schick after school and we had a pop quiz and I have to fill out a map.
Today in human geo we talked about cultural regions ( Beliefs, material traits, and social forms). The origin of the word culture is the latin cults which means to care for. To care about- to adore or worship something, as in the modern cult. To take care of-to nurse or look after something, as in the modern word culture. A cult is a special person that people like look up to. For example people looked up to a person and he said the world was going to end on a date and it did not and the people who look up to him were mad because they prepared and the world did not end. The difference between a religion and cult is a religion looks up to a higher being but they have similar beginnings. After we took notes we broke into groups and identified characteristics of regions. 
Today in class we talked about a very interesting topic and it is time. We talked about the circadian cycle. How we all kind of have our own clocks and we go by the sun being up or if we are tired or not to wake up or go to sleep rather than what the clock actually says. We talked about Flemming in 1879. We talked a 24 hour clock located at the center of the earth. It was around 1900 that almost all times on earth was in the form of standard time. We talked about the Past, present and future and how we live in the present but there isn't really a present. Today was a very interesting lesson. 
Today in human geo we finished separating the states up into regions. We looked at a map of 16 regions. Texas, Louisiana, Florida, Colorado, and San-Fransisco, New York were all there own region. There was cascadia, Socal, Sun Belt, Rocky Mountains, Deep North, Midwest, Deep South, Rust Belt, Appalachia, Mid-Atlantic, and New England regions. So, he gave us about 30 mins to do that. After we finished a group presented a region, what states are in the region and whether it was democratic or republican. After that we talked about how the elections work and why Donald trump won.
Today in human geo we talked about regions and the cultural landscape. A region is an area of earth defined by one or more distinctive characteristics.The cultural landscape is a combination of both physical and human uniquely define places and areas. The physical features in Maryland are Ocean City and the mountains. Human Characteristics would be the language, religion, and economics. We talked about how the Maryland region is different from maybe Florida or Texas. Then in class we looked at a map of USA and they were color coded blue and red. They were separated by democratic and republican. We had to break them up into regions but we had to be careful to not put a state on the west coast like California with a state on the east coast like Maine in the same region because they are so different.