Excellence Notes

  Today in Mr.Shicks class we looked at a power point based A message to Garcia. A Message to Garcia was what we read on Friday. I learned A Message to Garcia was a inspirational essay in March 1899. It got popular and published over 40 million copies. They even made versions in 37 languages. A Message to Garcia was made into a movie two times. The setting was the Spanish American war. The person who delivered the message was Rowan. Rowan was an army officer from West Point, class of 1881. The person the message was delivered was Garcia. Garcia was a revolutionary seeking Cuban independence from Spain. We also learned some "odd" vocabulary. Perihelion is the point when a planet is closest to the sun therefore it is at its brightest. Slipshod means careless, lackadaisical, slapdash. Imbecility means feebleness, stupidity. Stenographer is a person who takes dictation in shorthand. A missive is a letter. We then learned the word the ancient Greeks had a word for excellence called Arteté. Arteté is excellence of any kind, the act of living up to your full potential. Areté involves all of the abilities and potentialities available to humans.


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