
          In a Message to Garica, Rowan took a long journey to get the message to Garica. Rowan asked no questions, he was told to take the letter to Garica and he did. Rowan went on a journey for three weeks to give this message to Garica. The last paragraph of this story really tied it all together and made a lot of sense to me. People should work hard, have inspiration or a drive. The message of this should is giving props to all the hard working people who do what they are told and ask no questions and just do it. A drive and a desire to succeed is a good thing to have in life. Being hard working is hard whether it comes to sports, school, or your job. You need to try and do your best and be your best at whatever you inspire to do in life.


  1. This is a good analysis of the Hubbard essay, Mary. 47/50.


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