Review in class

In todays class we reviewed for tomorrows test . Mr. Schick asked people what questions we had or questions we thought would be on the test. So, students asked questions about Socrates, A message to Garcia, and on vocabulary. Some questions I remember being asked about Socrates were questions like " what crimes did he commit?". " How did he die?". " Was he proven guilty?". People asked questions from a Message to Garcia were related to the essay like " How many copies were sold?". " How many languages was it made in?".  People also asked things about what happen in the essay like " Who was Rowan?' " Who is Garcia". People asked about the setting. The vocabulary in the essay like Agora, Polis. Someone asked if the socratic method is will be on the test. Also, what the word idiot means to the ancient greeks. We also reviewed the word Areté.


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