
Showing posts from January, 2018
Today in human geo we took a test on the world leaders. It got harder as it went on but hopefully I got a good grade because I need it!! I liked this unit learning about all the world letters. It makes me feel lucky that we don't have a leader like Syria's leader. Before this unit I didn't know some of the leaders but now I do and I liked learning  about there backgrounds.
Today in human geo we went over a power point. We finished going over the leaders of the world because we will have a test on it tomorrow. We went over France, Japan, Italy, Syria, Canada, Israel, US and Kenya. We went through each leader and there background.
Today in Human Geo we talked about what an independent state had and how. We also watched a video that said all the countries really fast in a cartoon. Lastly, we talked about the project we have due on Friday. At the end of class we worked on the project.
Today in human Geo we wrote down notes. we wrote how the world is organized by country, nation, state. The political organization. A country is an identifiable land area. A nation is a population of people with a common culture.  A state is a population under a single government. Nations are groups of people, larger than a single tribe or community which may share a common language, institutions, religion and/or historical experience.